Eat well during your visit to Automässan
Inside the fair itself we have created dining environments with different offerings so that, as our guest, you have the opportunity to choose what suits you.
For those of you looking for a change of scene, there are lots of possibilities to eat and drink well in-house. Read further and book tables at our in-house bars and restaurants.
Gothen Bar
Enjoy the taste of craft beer from Gothenburg – Odd Island Brewing visits Automässan! Talk beer with the experts, and sample various brews with your booklet of drinks vouchers.
*Buy your booklet on site.
Hamburger Depot | Hall B
Whisky-glazed 180 gr. burger, creamy cheddar cheese, crispy bacon, roasted onion, mixed salad, chipotle mayonnaise and chips. Look out for “Hamburgerdepå” in Hall B.
Workshop Café (Verkstadscaféet) | Hall D
In the Workshop Café you can enjoy Pizza Salami or Pizza Vegetaria. Look out for “Verkstadscaféet” in Hall D.
Tyre Café | Halls D & A
Enjoy a real classic – our King Size shrimp sandwich! Hand peeled shrimp, eggs, mayonnaise and salad. Served on rye bread flavoured with dill. You can find King Size shrimp sandwich in the Workshop Café in Hall D & the “Däckcaféet” in Hall A.