Total number of visitors | 15 190 from 30 countries |
Total number of visits | 17 444 |
Companies / business areas represented by the visitors | 6 700 |
Foreign visitors | 1322 |
Norway | 584 |
Denmark | 384 |
Finland | 80 |
Other Countries | 274 |
Exhibiting companies | 275 from 12 countries |
Knowledgeable specialists / tradesmen manned | 1 872 |
Exhibition area | 15 100sqm |
Brands featured | >1 200 |
Visitors ready to invest
The Auto Trade Fair attracts over 15,000 visitors from the automotive service and aftermarket industry!
- 45% of visitors are looking for new solutions at the Auto Trade Fair.
- 67% of visitors plan to buy or suggest the purchase of products or services seen at the fair within 12 months.
- 91% of visitors say they will visit the Auto Trade Fair 2017.
- 64% of visitors are responsible for the purchase of products and services exhibited at the fair.
- 75% of visitors consider the Auto Trade Fair the key industry venue.
- 96% of visitors would recommend others to attend the event.
Satisfied exhibitors
- 89% rated the quality of visitors Good/Very good
- 94% rated the number of visitors Good/Very good
- 89% rated the business value of exhibiting Good/Very good
- 67% signed orders during the ongoing trade fair
When buying products exhibited at the fair, what function do visitors have in the decision-making process?
- 35% Totally responsible
- 29% Partly responsible
- 18% Advisory
- 18% None at all
The Auto Trade Fair 2023 is arranged by FVU (The Association of Garage Equipment Suppliers) and SBF (Association of Swedish Car Parts Wholesalers ) in collaboration with MRF (The Swedish National Association for Motor Trades & Repairs), MAF (The Swedish Motor Trade Employers’ Association), DRF (Däckspecialisternas Riksförbund) and SFVF (Sveriges Fordonsverkstäders Förening).